Items to Die for <3


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Here are this spring/summers must haves:

1: Bandeaus 🙂

I simply fell inlove when i heard about these awesome tops* Perfect for a hot day outdoors 🙂 Get them in literally every colour and pattern you can think of! They make any outfit look aahhmazing* a Super look thats Super cute*


2: Pastel Shirts

I dont think i even have to say anything when it comes to these..You just need to have them, they look good on everyone and are super in right now!

3: Pastel colour shorts and skinnies

They look super pretty for summer and i cannot wait to wear them.

So these are going to be my favourite things to wear this summer 🙂 Hope you all take the hint and go buy them too *


Awesome Revolution **


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Everyone wants to be Awesome. Its become this sort of disease that people WANT to catch! The Defeniton of Awesome is something like – Extremely impressive and inspiring great admiration. In a nutshell is just means that the person is a freaking ledgend :)*

The truth is, anyone can be Awesome. You can be Awesome and normal, Awesome and weird, Awesome and disabled, Awesome and blind…. the possibilities are endless for your Awesomeness!!

This probably super cheesy but i actually have a step by step guide for you guys on How to be FREAKING AWESOME* and even though there has been no recorded success rate, it really works! 🙂

Step1: Make Mistakes

Done be afraid to make mistakes. Live a little. Noone is perfect and we all make mistakes literally all the time* Making mistakes is how we learn and the more we know about how NOT to mess shit up, The Awesomer we’ll be! Start to get your head around the idea that things do go wrong and just accept it. The more carefree you are makes for an Awesome Bonus 🙂

Step2: Surround yourslf with Awesome People.

Its true what they say about how one becomes alot like the people they hang out with. If you hang out with Awesome people you will beable to learn from them.

Step3: Self examination

Figure out what it is that people like about you, its usually the thing that makes you different from everyone else. Once you know what it is… Develop it. The more you excell in the traits people like, the more Awesome they will think you are 🙂

Step4: Have no Shame

Awesome people simply do not give a rats arse whhat people think about them. Not because they’re weird and isolated, But because they’re simply too Awesome to waste their time on people who want to stop them from being who they are. Embrace yourself, Dont be afraid to do the first thing that pops into your mind and Dont care about what others are going to say about it. That my friend, Is the KEY to being Awesome.

SO thats it, Follow these easy steps and join the Awesome Revolution!!


Olympic Hype :)

So as everyone knows, The Olympic Games are currently taking place and everyone is syced up and excited about it. While reading my news app today (which is currently filled with Olympic news) i came accross something terribly strange :0

As you are all aware of, Steriods and that kinda stuff are not allowed to be used by the participants. Well long long ago Ancient Olympic “Dopers” or drug users used to chew on RAW ANIMAL TESTICLES  as a means of a quick Hormone boost.

Gross and weird and terribly freaky 🙂 But a particpants gotta do what a participents gotta do i guess!!

Enjoy watching the Games and ruiting for your sexy ass countries 🙂 xoxo

Decieved by Lust …

When lust takes over, its like the mind becomes consumed with desire and all logical thinking is forced outwards.

One can easily be Decieved and Bullied by lust because lets admit it, its hard to think logical when you filled with desire. We need to train ourselves not to let it consume oursleves so much that we forget who we are. Never let Lust blind you! You should never allow yourself to accept or do anything that you are not comfortable with. Centre yourself and always remember who you are. Lust allows us to be brainwashed and do anything for the one we desire and if we arent carefull we will easily be taken advantage of. People will control you and use your desire against you. Do not allow yourself to give in and make excuses to justify it. Stay sane and you’ll be okay 🙂

Okay so enough of the preachy business, Lust can also be a Fabulous thing*                   

Lust can be a thrilling, mind blowing sense of desire that will make any moment about 1000% better 🙂 So if you relax and dont let it cloud your judgement then go ahead and INDULGE 🙂


Forever MEAN*


This will forever remain my FAVOURITE movie of all time.. right next to Burlesque ofcourse 🙂

The jokes in this movie never get old and it is just the perfect cheerer upper!!*

Here’s a few of my favourite quotes 🙂 straight from the best movie in theee world!!!


hahahahha am literally laughing all over again. If you dont own a copy of this movie then really, your life is missing something awesome 🙂


Rumour Has it <3

Today i learnt a valuable lesson on the difference between who you think you should trust and who you should ACTUALLY trust 🙂 PLUS i even descovered that i’m actually a pretty good person!

Think everything through before you do or say and consider every single person involved 🙂

Even though im innocent it really is a shocker to see what will happen when the blame is pinned on you* Just hold your head high guys because you know the truth, and if people are to stubborn to listen, let it be! Because those are the people that are certainly not worth your time <3*

Have a fabulous week ahead!!

Hey, maybe Mondays arent that useless afterall*


There’s Something about the Shirt..

i absoloutly adore these new semi-see through shirts coming into fashion :)*


and the best thing about them is that they suit everyone! They come in every colour, every print, every size, every style…

You can wear them tucked in with jeans, the favourite colour skinnies or simply wear it hanging loose with a pair of denim shorts and an oversized no handle handbag :)* so adorable for spring and summer..even winter!






i rate you go crazy and buy a ton of them in every colour 🙂 a super stunning trend that is not to be missed 🙂

Happy shopping xoxo

The Pretty Reckless !!


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My favourite rock band at the moment is The Pretty Reckless 🙂

woohooooo aaaaaaah *emotional headbang*

They are a really awesome band, been around for quite some time now..and i must say that out of all thier tracks, i havent heard one that i havent absoloutly loved!! (and im pretty sure ive heard all of them)

Theres just something about the way the female lead vocalist Taylor Momsen sings the songs, theres nothing like it out there! and the fact that every single song leaves you on your feet and nodding away is just crazy :)*


I’m not really into rock, never have been.. but as soon as i heard their music i just instantly fell inlove, its different and it just creates the best vibe and the best mood!- even if the lyrics arent the happiest ones around.

best of all, its really music that we can relate to. You know when you get that feeling like the song was written just for you, well The Pretty Reckless will give you that feeling every single time!

Make sure to check out some of their bestest songs:

Miss Nothing

Just Tonight

Make me wanna die

My Medicine

Going down

Thats all for now, Enjoy rocking out 🙂 xoxo



Try SomeThing New ~


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I have two words for you : BODY PAINT

Now you’re probably thinking that this isint for you and should be somewhat “reserved” for the more.. how can i say… embrasive bunch :). But that is really not the case here. This post will prove to you once and for all, that body paint is for everyone that’s interested in trying something new 🙂

1: For the more outgoing statement type:

2: Sexy but Classy:

3: Pregnant 🙂

4: less exposed:

5: Lets not forget the guys:

hahahahah 🙂

so next time you go out and feel the need to try something new..i rate body paint is the way to go!
